Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Rebel Deb!

Today, I didn't feel so pretty. Today, I woke up already dreading the night. And why? Because at 8:25pm - on the dot - I would turn 29. The big 2-9. The death knoll sounding the final year of my youth.

I spent a good 10 hours roaming the beautiful, immaculate streets of Charleston, SC. I must say, this is one of the best and brightest cities I've ever visited. The first coffee shop I went into was full of smiling workers and managed by an amiable owner who offered me directions to the nearest public bathroom (I'd drunk about three cups of iced coffee by this point), simply because he didn't have one. Apparently, the closest ladies room was at City Hall (?!), which scared me at first -- I immediately imagined seedy, grimy facilities covered in seedier, grimier visitors, but no! When I got down to Meeting Street, only about three blocks on foot, it was beautiful! And the bathroom were the best part! The walls and structure were made of clean, black and white marble. The lighting was soft and pleasant. The toilets were well-kempt and profession. The whole building made of sculpted architecture that reminded me of an 18th century church. And then a nice, little ole lady came in to wash her hands and said, "Hey there, dear! How pretty you are!"

What more could a girl ask for on her 29th birthday?

Rebel Deb


bermudaonion said...

Happy Birthday a day late!

Anonymous said...

No worries. :) Thanks so much! xoxo

J.R. LeMar said...

Wait...29 is still considered "youth"?!?

Anna Fields said...

Dude, I hope so!! Considering people live to be 90+ these days, don't you think 29-year-olds should be cut just a LITTLE slack?

J.R. LeMar said...

Well, if that's the standard you're using, living past 90, then you shouldn't worry yet. You should still have @ least another decade to be considered in your youth.

Anna Fields said...

Well, what would you consider "youth?" Only people under the age of 20?

Anna Fields said...

And since most women (in my experience and to my knowledge, anyway) live well into their 70's, 80's and 90's, shouldn't this be the standard? My grandmother, for example, just turned 90. Where's the line between "youth" and "age" to be drawn?