Friday, February 26, 2010

This Week's Celeb Rebel Deb: Jenny Sanford

Ya'll already know the story about Jenny and Mark Sanford... according to the 'NET:

"First South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford was born. Later, he pretended to be hiking the Appalachian Trail when in fact schtupping the Argentinian woman. Then his wife wrote a disparaging book. Now their divorce proceedings will be on TV."

I know, I know... sounds like the usual Reality TV, fame-hogging crap. But I, for one, support Jenny Sanford in moving on from Mark's behavior. So she wants to write a book -- who wouldn't want such an opportunity to turn her personal tragedy into triumph? Jenny's still a celeb Rebel Deb based on her past work as a Wall Streeter (in the 80's, no less, when that particular Street was nearly female-free!) and her refusal to stand by her lyin', cheatin' man.

Check out Marie Claire's recent interview with the former SC Governor-ess and decide for yourself.

Rebel Deb

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